Introduction to Postmodernism and Review about If on A winter's night A traveler's Italo Calvino


What is Postmodernism?

The term postmodernism, was first used in around 1970. As an art movement postmodernism to some extent defies definition – as there is no one postmodern style or theory on which it is hinged. It embraces many different approaches to art making; and a host of art groups and movements from the 1960s onwards can be described as postmodernist. It is therefore perhaps easiest to define postmodernism by looking at its main characteristics. Anti-authoritarian by nature, it refuses to recognise the authority of any single style or definition of what art should be. It collapses the distinction between high culture and mass or popular culture and it tends to get rid of the boundary between art and everyday life. Resultantly, postmodern art can be characterised by its self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions, and an eclectic mixing of different artistic and popular styles and media.

Here, I will give you some characteristics of Postmodernism:

  1. Things that are happening now still can be modified by them, they don't mean to destroy, but to learn more.
  2. Questioning Everything
  3.  Critical Thinking.
  4. They refuse "label" because, for them, label is not really important, they will ask to the people who already gave them that "label".
  5. Originally reaction to the lack of artistic, intellectual, or cultural thought.
  6. The most important things are information and technology.
  7. There are two ideas that want to be delivered at the same time (stream of consciousness).
  8. Subjectivity.
  9. Both Modernism and Postmodernism explore fragmentariness.

What post-modernism thinks about language
  1. People are the same everywhere.
  2. There are universal laws and thruths. 
  3. Knowledge is objective, Independent of Culture, Function of Gender. 

Post-modernist literature contains a broad rage of concepts and ideas:
  1. Responses to modernism and its ideas.
  2. Responses to technological advances. 
  3. Greater diversity of culture that leads to cultural-pluralism-small groups within a larger society maintain their culture identity.
Now, I want to share the review about If on A winter's night A traveler by Italo Calvino that is linked to my own tumblr, you can click here.  And if you still confuse about what post-modernism is, you can check out this video. Enjoy!

-Assyfa Octaviyani Istiqomah 63715002-

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