Type of Character Maloney

Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (Arthur C Doyle), was born on May 22,1859 in Edinburgh, Scotland and Died on July 7,1930 (Age 71) in Crowborough, England. He was an Author, Writer, and Physician or Doctor. There is one short story by Arthur C Doyle, entitled My Friend The Murderer. This story tells about one of the famous prisoners, he is the famous leader of the Bluemansdyke gang named Maloney.
My Friend The Murderer at the beginning of the story there are two people who are talking, they are Head Warder and a Doctor. They talked about the prisoners to be examined by the doctor. There is one prisoner where the doctor should listen to the prisoner's story to ascertain whether he is crazy or just paranoid. He is Maloney, Maloney was part of a gang named Bluemansdyke, he is the leader of the gang, thief and a murderer. Jailed in Perth, Australia. Maloney has betrayed his friends to avoid the gallows, he turned the evidence to save himself from the gallows. He already has no friends, family, even citizenship. Many people hate him, his friends in the prison environment, and in the outside environment really hate him, even people want him dead. Maloney's life is now dependent on the police, Maloney is guarded and protected by police to keep it safe.
After the trial, Maloney was sent under the protection of Dunedin’s jail in New Zealand, but unfortunately he was known by a group of men and tried to kill him and fortunately the police immediately knew it and saved Maloney and he was sent back and was released.
As we know that every story has a character, there are types of characters that is Protagonist and Antagonist. After we read it, that the protagonist is Maloney, Maloney is a sly, wicked, sad and lonely person. He does not care about his friends, he blames others for everything that happened then, while the citizens blame him and keep trying to kill Maloney, no one who supports him to stay alive and lead a quiet life.
“the soul of Wolf Tone Maloney, forger, convict, ranger, murderer, and government peach, drifted away into the Great Unknown.” In this part of the sentence, we know what has happened. And the Antagonist in this story is society and a group of men, They have a problem with Maloney. So, The character of the protagonist does not always describe that they are cruel, evil, and and anything that has a bad nature. Protagonist in this story has a real character that he is good, lonely, and sad.

_Firza Nur Chaerunisa_


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