Sympathy for W.T.Maloney


     Wolf Tone Maloney is one of the characters in the short story My Friend, The Murderer by Sir Conan Doyle. The tale tells the story of Maloney’s trials and journey after he was arrested for robbery. He was described in the passage “had at least some distinctiveness and individuality in his character, and might act as a tonic to a mind sick of the commonplace of existence” (Doyle, 1882:6)

     He was first introduced in the story in the setting of a prison, where a doctor was doing a routine check of the inmates. Because the doctor knew the name of the inmate, he was immediately intrigued to make acquaintance. There we found that Maloney was famous for selling his friends to the state evidence. From there, Maloney went through eventful series of journeys which brought readers to feel sympathetic.


The story gets a little more interesting after Maloney told the state of his tale. He then went for trial and started anew. He was set free under the protection of Dunedin’s jail in New Zealand, but people still wanted him hung. The prison director helped him escape the country by the sea. However, he was recognized and soon kicked out of the boat ashore and some of the people even wanted to hang him. Fortunately, he met an officer of the law, who then sent him back to safety of the prison.

    Maloney tried it all, sailing away in the sea, moving to London, being someone else, but his reputation followed him everywhere until he is forced to go back to the prison, This happened repeatedly that you can’t help but feel sorry for him.


Some people are set free to start a new life. They go out of prison, go home to their family and friends. But not Maloney. Maloney leads a very lonely and miserable life. With no home to go back to, enemies both inside and outside of prison, he only had police officers and prison guards to keep him safe. He escaped again and again only to be captured by criminal who essentially forced him to ga back to prison where he came from.

Ryan Daniel 63715006


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