Analysis the types of plot

“Once upon a time there was a girl who lived in the remote village, she was beautiful and humble girl. First her live is fine but everything changes when her father died she cared by her neighbor who envy with her beauties. She was tortured and eventually runs away to the forest . In forest she met with a reach man and married with him. Finally she lived happily ever after”     

That story is a little bit of how is plot played. Did you aware that plot always play with the time in story? The plot always began with the exposition where is the event puts the story in gear, in exposition the action is rising and the complicit appears in the series. Next to conflict where is struggle between opposing force that emerges as the action develops. Next climax, this is the highest point of interest, action or tension who make the audience or reader carried away with the conflict. After the conflict has already peaked the series of event occurring after the climax. And the last is resolution this past is the resolution that ties of the loose ends of the plot.    
So what is Plot? you are immediately aware of this name. We usually find it on the squiedes of event of the story in novel, movie ,and another text story. Plot is series of episodes in narrative carried out by the characters and to be a concept so good or not the stories is depend of how is plot inside. There are two types of plot ,they are : progressive and regressive.Now I am going to analysis of types in “ In The Year of 2889”   

Do you know the short story of  In The Year 2889 from Jules Verne?  First I read this story I predict it has progressive plot because the story  told predict future. Here told about technology will be so advanced and it affects the long human life and nature changed circumstances and the technology will be developed in the future.      
Various  diseases have been cured and informed through newspapers it makes affects the long human life  , George Washington Smith founded the newspaper company who after thirty generations have come and gone. But since central politic America moved to Washington, Twenty years ago its subscription list contained but a few hundred thousand names, and then Mr. Fritz Napoleon Smith bought it for a mere trifle, and originated telephonic journalism. He successful to manage the company.    

The forerunner of telephone progress also has provide in this story, where is Mr. Fritz Napoleon lived by his wife cause his wife has to go to Paris,the first thing that he does in the morning is to connect his phonotelephote , the transmission of images by means of sensitive mirrors connected by wires. Here is another of the great triumphs of science in that time. Mr. Smith directly to see his wife and known all his wife’s activities like there is no distance between Washington and Paris. This centuries where we are life now has provide it and called vidio call. Almost in every phone has that application. It is clearly depicted how is great the people in the past!    

After I read more comprehension ,this story also has regressive plot. Flashback plot has appeared when the write talked a little bit about the inventor of steam and heat. Heat is the one of ancient who has been familiar until now , electricity has known since 300 years ago and steam has known 100 years ago. Here the writer told us that in the past has found the energy who very important for our life now.   
We also brought up to the past when a machine could absorb and condense the energy from sun’s rays and others energy coming from whatever source such as : waterfall , a stream, the winds, etc. Now many companies use those kind of  energy for recent inovation who make us easier to do all our daily activities.
Plot always there in all story as a text or movie ,The function is to makes the audience more interesting and not boring to read or watch it. In The Year 2889 the writer was so great and amazing because he playing with the plot so makes the audience exited to know and curious by episode to episode. Beside that the story added our insight so knew what happened in the past.   The writer made two types of plot ,they are : progressive and regressive where is showing us how is the condition in the past and predict how is the condition in the future. He also added the scientist to convey to us that they are so brilliant with their invention. 

The scientist has found their great invention to next generation to generation who very great benefactor of the human race. We as the next generation have to update and developed the technology for the future live. Always makes the new innovation who the world needs and heal the world make it better place  so our children and grandchild could feel how is beautiful this universe. 



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