In The Year 2889

  When we read In the year 2889,we must know about Jules Verne. He studied law at paris.he devoted his life entirely to writing.he is born at Nantes,France, in 1828,of legal and seafaring stock,was the author of innumerable adventure stories that combined a vivid imagination with a gift for popularizing science.after a long andauthored over 400 books in a career that lasted nearly 50 years.As a leading scientific writer,historian,and futurist, he covered a variety of subjects ranging from mathematic to humor,and won numerous awards for his work. There I want discuss about future from his book.his book about imagination about past and future. And I choose future.
 In 1889 Verne have imagine a world 1000 years will come. Precisely in the year 2889 will have more advance technology compared to 1889. Many inventions verne mentioned in The story is centered around a newspaper owner who is changing the way news is reported from print to audio. My first thought was podcasts which is one way people receive information now. The story of most small like rent . Verne predicted that humans do better in the future .When Clonicle Earth can not maintain itself on a high level name of the journal that more modern rivals and he is in danger of collapse. Then Mr.Fritz Napoleon bought it and came journalism from the phone. everyone is familiar with the system because of major developments telephony fritz. when we focus on the future of the year 1000 yet, just in time 100 years predicted verne happened. The case today, the development of technology-based communication can be found with a mobile phone. Mr.Smith ever dream to be able to communicate and his wife saw everything when away. but now the technology could be used to communicate remotely with a variety of applications such as video call, skype, and many others. The future was closer than Verne thought.100 years ahead of schedule, we already have Skype, iPods, online newspapers, a life expectancy that is beyond 37 (or even the projected 52), and scientifically created food. However, we do not have a self-renewing energy source and have not found alien life forms within our solar system. when i read this novella, I have to experience a day in the life of a book from 2889.
In this story he describes a day in the life of a newspaper editor in 2889. Some pretty cool concepts were put across, such as subscribing to news feeds, which are delivered directly to the recipient via telephonic devices and telephote, which delivers pictures as well as sound, sky advertising able to be read by entire continents and a worldwide interconnection of travel that allows convenient visiting of anywhere on Earth, or teleconferencing a meal with a loved one. There was even an attempt at cryogenics (human hibernation), which did not work especially well. Pretty heady stuff for the time. Not Earth shattering or even truly amazing advances in this day of common computerized devices and technological hand holding, but to the time it must have sounded like the Jetsons or something do to us today.

look at predicted these people almost accurately, though predict what the future must what we look!
I found it particularly fascinating that, even in their wildest of dreams, no one could even imagine what the internet is today, even if they did get quite close. Also, advertisements on clouds? Melting the poles to make more room for human habitation? Wow, the imagination required for this thing. We are still far away from any adverts being projected on clouds billboards are the closest thing, right? Or if we start to advertise on planes, maybe? we do that and yet more further away from just one room being able to accommodate all our needs bed disappearing to reveal a dining table, for example there's not way we're ever going to melt the poles, but still!
It also fascinates me that Jules Verne could not imagine satellites a mile and a half telescope is what he imagined instead! or travelling to the moon as a reality . What if we turned the moon around to see what's on the other side? but everything else is, scarily enough, totally possible in this century right now.

Puteri Monica 63715018


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