Mystery of Desiree’s baby

Desiree is an adopted by Madame Valmonde he found her lying in the shadow of the big stone pillar in Louisiana and tookcare of her. But people said that the baby probably is partly of Texas but she don’t care about his origin. She just hope the baby grew to be beautiful and gentle. In this time the different race is the disgusting things because of the black skin always be a slaves.
 When Desiree  was eighteen years old she married with Armand Aubigny, he fallen in loved when he saw Desiree standing in stone pillar where is the place she found. Madame Valmonde had asked Armand to ensure Desiree origin ,but he didn’t care because he immediately fallen in loved with Desiree. As if struck by a pistol shot the way all Aubigny fallen in loved.
Desiree has baby boy , she is very happy she takecares the baby very well with the slaves. Unntil the baby is three month she felt astonished there is something wrong with her baby. And she asked Armand what happened with their baby. Armand answer  coldly “he is not white, it means that you are not white”. Desiree respond unbelievable that she indeed white, she has brown hair ,gray eyes and fair skin. Armand accuses cruelly  her that she mixed-race and left her.
Desiree writes the letter to Madame Valmonde tells all Armand do to her, and Madame Valmonde asked her to back to Valmonde ,back to her mom who loves her and come with her child.
Without changing, Désirée takes her child from the slave and walks to the deserted bayou not to Valmonde, where she disappears. Weeks later, at L’Abri, Armand is having his slaves feed a bonfire. He burned all of things with Desiree and other remnants marriage. Among the letters is an unrelated letter he found one letter , which sent from his parents . the letter is :  
"But above all," she wrote, "night and day, I thank the good God for having so arranged our lives that our dear Armand will never know that his mother, who adores him, belongs to the race that is cursed with the brand of slavery."
Desiree’s baby is short story that written by American writer. It  published in 14th January  1893 during the antebellum period. This story set place in Louisiana, at that time Louisiana had purchased by America from French. Almost the story by Kate Chopin is a real story from her experience in that period.  In the eighteenth centuries in South America show how the miscegenation very derogatory connotation. The slaves considered lowly and treat very cruel especially slavery from Africa. In 1700-1800 slavery  in South American is legal so the employer treated them cruel or kind as family. They used the slavery for a machine of their agriculture especially cotton. 
This story about marriage with different race , French and Negro, which most of slavery is from Africa (Negro). Although not all slaves from black skin ,there are also slaves from white and another color skin but it is only miniority and worked in North American. Difference race determine in degree of social which is the white skin is higher level than black , it because the white skin is an employer.
This story describes how the miscegenation very derogatory connotation. The slaves considered lowly. The quadroon child who Desiree’s baby, such quadroon children often  ends up as slaves based on the theory that “black skin ” blood made a person black rather than white.
Racism shows clearly in this story , when Armand don’t accept his son that his baby has mixed-race. He thought that descendant of the African is the disgusting and the quadroon always ends up as slaves again. He was not wanting the baby he despising his wife. As Madame Valmonde said that she didn’t know Desiree’s status and asked him to ensure Desiree’s origin  but at the time he fallen in loved so deep so he didn’t care.  Desiree’s status has many question and Armand  accuses his wife has descendant of African. Whereas he has caucasian blood  he didn’t know that  her mom is slaves and the quadroon baby suffer has mixed-race blood from him.
Although Armand Aubigny lives hardheartedness but her father described as  easy-going and indulgent lifetime, treat the slaves as his family. 



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